
Factory is some function that returns something ( most of the time it should return always something else ).

In angular 1. we can create reusable factories via angular.module.factory, this is not recommended with ng-metadata.

Instead use provide map literal:

useFactory - the factory provider

The useFactory provider creates a dependency object by calling a factory function as seen in this example.

{ provide: RUNNERS_UP, useFactory: runnersUpFactory(2), deps: [Hero, HeroService] }

Use this technique to create a dependency object with a factory function whose inputs are some combination of injected services and local state.

The dependency object doesn't have to be a class instance. It could be anything. In this example, the dependency object is a string of the names of the runners-up to the "Hero of the Month" contest.

The local state is the number 2, the number of runners-up this component should show. We execute runnersUpFactory immediately with 2.

The runnersUpFactory itself isn't the provider factory function. The true provider factory function is the function that runnersUpFactory returns.

// runners-up.ts (excerpt)
export function runnersUpFactory(take: number) {
  return (winner: Hero, heroService: HeroService): string => {
    /* ... */

That returned function takes a winning Hero and a HeroService as arguments.

ng-metadata supplies these arguments from injected values identified by the two tokens in the deps array. The two deps values are tokens that the injector uses to provide these factory function dependencies.

After some undisclosed work, the function returns the string of names and Angular injects it into the runnersUp parameter of the HeroOfTheMonthComponent.


export class Hero {
    public id: number,
    public name: string,
    public description?: string,
    public phone?: string) {

export const SomeHeroToken = new OpaqueToken('someHero');

import { Injectable } from 'ng-metadata/core';
import { Hero } from './hero';

export class HeroService {

  // TODO move to database
  private heroes: Array<Hero> = [
    new Hero(1, 'RubberMan', 'Hero of many talents', '123-456-7899'),
    new Hero(2, 'Magma', 'Hero of all trades', '555-555-5555'),
    new Hero(3, 'Mr. Nice', 'The name says it all', '111-222-3333')

  getHeroById(id: number): Hero {
    return this.heroes.filter(hero => hero.id === id)[0];

  getAllHeroes(): Array<Hero> {
    return this.heroes;

import { OpaqueToken } from 'ng-metadata/core';

import { Hero } from './hero';
import { HeroService } from './hero.service';

export const RUNNERS_UP = new OpaqueToken('RunnersUp');

export function runnersUpFactory(take: number) {
  return (winner: Hero, heroService: HeroService): string => {
    /* ... */
    return heroService
          .filter((hero) => hero.name !== winner.name)
          .map(hero => hero.name)
          .slice(0, Math.max(0, take))
          .join(', ');

import { Component, Inject, OpaqueToken } from 'ng-metadata/core';

import { SomeHeroToken } from './hero';
import { HeroService } from './hero.service';
import { RUNNERS_UP, runnersUpFactory } from './runners-up';

const someHero = new Hero(42, 'Magma', 'Had a great month!', '555-555-5555');

  selector: 'hero-of-the-month',
  template: `...`,
  providers: [
    { provide: SomeHeroToken, useValue:    someHero },
    { provide: RUNNERS_UP,    useFactory:  runnersUpFactory(2), deps: [SomeHeroToken, HeroService] }
export class HeroOfTheMonthComponent {
    @Inject(RUNNERS_UP) public runnersUp: string

results matching ""

    No results matching ""